Living the questions, one moment at a time.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Maryland Weekend

It's already been a week since my trip to Maryland. Having not been down South since my Grandma's funeral in June 2010 (which wasn't exactly a barrel of laughs) it was nice to take a celebratory trip for a change. It was a pretty last minute excursion (story of my life this year), and, due to flight delays (see last entry) I only had just over thirty-six hours with my family in the end. But time with us all together is a special treat that distance does not always allow for.

My Maryland family (Papa, aunt, cousin) lives in an adorable suburb of Baltimore. We have many wonderful memories of weeks spent there in the past. I love that grandparent homes are like time capsules; there are so many photo treasures (including blackmail-worthy pictures of Jules in the 70's).

Part of the epic picture wall. See if you can spot little Maria. (Hint: 3).

My aunt is basically a rock star now. We essentially made the trip down to see her perform with her band she plays with on the side. They were amazing! I arrived halfway through, but was still able to enjoy most of the show (and thoroughly reap the benefits of being legal).

Four of my cousins were also present, including my cousin Kelly. We are less than three months apart, and spent our childhoods writing letters back and forth (Lisa Frank stationary, anyone?)

We spent Saturday at the Inner Harbor in the hot sun. What a cool place! To further cement my nerd status, I have to admit that the most exciting discovery was a massive Barnes and Noble housed in an old factory.

But the rest of the place was great, too.

I so almost did this

The ride back on Sunday was actually very peaceful (except for the fact that I hate New Jersey). Joey no longer has to pee every five seconds during long car rides (those of you lucky enough to have heard the "bottle story" understand this) and it gave us an excuse to consume both Dunkin Donuts and McDonald's on the same day (I have to say, I sure as heck love the occasional Chicken McNuggets). Unhealthy eating and drinking aside, we arrived home refreshed and revitalized.

Gotta love family.

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