Living the questions, one moment at a time.

Monday, October 1, 2012


During my first two years at UMass, I volunteered at an after school program called Capacidad. I had to take last year off due to my busy schedule and going abroad. Not expecting to go back this year, the opportunity arose to do so as I am completing a mini-practicum for my thesis course. I've had three weeks back at Capacidad so far, and it's been enlightening.

Maybe I wasn't in the best state of mind in Spring 2011, my last semester at Capacidad before my break. Actually, I definitely wasn't in a good place. But I didn't realize until three weeks ago the extent of my distorted head space at that time (although warranted, I believe).

Something felt different when I walked in this time. I'm more confident in a way. I haven't really put my finger on it yet. But this isn't the only change...

Man, these kids GREW. I am not accustomed to leaving children for a long period of time with no picture updates, so imagine my surprise when the little boy from almost two years ago suddenly has a good three or four inches on me. It's actually quite a moving experience, one that I will probably be getting used to as I get older.

And of course, there are those kids say the darnedest things moments. One of the seven-year-olds who is attached to my hip after remembering me from two years ago gave me a social commentary the other day: "You know what? I saw kids fighting at recess today and it's bad. Violence is never in English." Of course she meant to say "violence is never the answer" but I think I like her way better!

Kids can also have a way of letting you into their "other" lives, whether it's intended or not. For example, it is not normal for a previously lighthearted conversation to take a sudden turn. One such conversation two weeks back between me and one of the little girls went from Disney Channel to "My dad is in jail" in a span of four seconds. She's very young, so I'm not completely sure that she knows what that means. Nevertheless, it inspires me to be the best role model I can possibly be for these kids, some of whom may not have that at home.

Lots of stories to come, but for now I'm enjoying spending my Wednesdays becoming acquainted (or reacquainted, depending) with fifty or so energetic kiddos.

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