Living the questions, one moment at a time.

Monday, April 23, 2012

These Are The Moments

About a week ago, one of my roomies declared that "these are the moments" and started whipping out her camera for every little thing. This kind of became a joke, and now, with our impending departure on Friday, has inspired us to document everything. This includes but is not limited to strange and random moments like completing homework, dancing, and Maria eating three spoonfuls of sugar in quick succession (long story behind that one. Maybe I'll tell it one day...)

Here are some "moments" with explanations when necessary...and some of what I'll miss!

One. The KITTIES. Mad-Eye Moody (one with cocked neck and squinty eye), Cracker Jack, and the gang. These guys are pretty dang elusive; there are like six of them and they hang around, but the second you get particularly close (especially with a camera) they sprint! This subpar photograph took almost five minutes to capture. Cracker Jack loves to sit on cars, and Mad-Eye hangs out by the food that the neighbors leave...these strays are very well-fed. Only in Italy!

Just roaming my streets

Two. Diva moments in the apartment. Usually involving Dani. Or really any moment in the apartment.

 Three. My beautiful morning walks to my internship.

Four. Late night cornetto from Mamas or Papas...aka "secret bakery"

Okay, so this is one that probably needs explaining. After a late night out (or morning...usually around 2 or 3) we go to one of the local bakeries for a pastry (only one euro!). The bakers are in their shops at those hours to make their goods for the day. But here's where the rebellious fun comes in: it's actually illegal for them to be selling at that hour because of some time law. So here's the scene: about twenty people waiting outside a barred door, peeking in while the baker whips out some yummy stuff and passes it through the door opening.  It's like the black market of food! 

More to come! 

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