Living the questions, one moment at a time.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Caution: Life May Be Spontaneous

You know those nights that you wish could just last a little while longer? Last night was one of those nights. I haven’t felt so genuinely content in a little longer than I care to admit. When there wasn’t the stress of finals, the nerves of leaving home and moving to a foreign country crept up on me. I think yesterday proved to be one of my personal “turning points.”

About two-thirds of the kids on the program are away this weekend. Their study abroad organization arranged a weekend orientation trip for them. Therefore, Umbra treated the students that were left (me and others) to an amazing four or five course meal yesterday afternoon. It was a typical Italian affair: Appetizers, pasta, main meal, salad, and coffee. And lots of wine. At the lunch, I met Dr. and Mrs. C. They are this adorable, Grandma and Grandpa-like couple who are here on the trip. They are considered visiting faculty, but Mrs. C is not teaching an actual class this semester. She told us she would be a writing tutor slash “counselor” if we were feeling homesick or having trouble. I plan on just hanging out with them, because they were the cutest couple ever. They know Massachusetts very well, which made us UMass girls feel at home. Their son went to BU (Boston University for those of you who may be stuck in a bubble somewhere). They also vacation in Tauro for two weeks every summer! They were great. Okay, that ends my obligatory Cape Cod rant for the day.

Later in the afternoon, a wonderful woman named Romina took the UMass kids and one other girl out for hot chocolate (the eating and drinking never stops). Romina is the Italian ambassador for the study abroad organization us eight are here with (CIS). She pretty much told us hilarious stories about herself and the staff here (they all know each other from university), gave us amazing advice for travel, and recommended cheap but incredible hostels. She can also hook us up with almost anything as far as accommodations go, and gave us her personal number and work number if we ever “want to chat.”  I wish I had taken a picture of the table, because we all had each other belly laughing at several points. I guess multiple glasses of wine plus espresso can do that to you…

Fast-forward to nighttime. I’m already learning a lot about myself, even in the past week. Maybe I should rephrase that: Things I sort of already knew are coming to light, and I am overcoming my weaknesses. I absolutely LOVE spontaneous fun. If I’m with the right people, it’s the most incredible feeling in the world to just talk and laugh and live in the moment. However, I don’t like the thought of “planning” spontaneous fun (see how contradictory that sounds?) I love the nights that just happen while I’m in them, but I don’t want to know that I will have a break in my routine before that break actually happens. But “breaks in the routine” basically define Italian life, and I’m LOVING it.

After purchasing a cute new jacket for twelve US dollars (can you say sales?), three of the UMass girls and I were strolling around when we decided to casually hop on the town Ferris Wheel that overlooks the Tuscan hills. One of the girls had heard that it was closing down soon, so we had to jump on the chance!

My dad hated Ferris wheels. I remember dragging him on Ferris wheel rides at fairs when I was a kid and watching him go white. Now I can kind of see why; there is something a bit sketchy about hanging suspended in the air in a little cart. However, after about two turns, I loved it! The fifteen or twenty minute ride was filled with laughs and pictures.

Awkward solo shot

 While a ride on a Ferris wheel seems like such a simple moment, it felt so magical. I am so blessed to be making a couple of close friends here who really seem to appreciate spontaneity! 

Along the same lines, what turned into a walk back to school to check emails with one of the girls turned into a deep, hour long conversation about family, our pasts, and life in general. I really can’t remember the last time I was so open, not to mention with someone I have essentially just met. I think it was a conversation that we both needed, especially being far away from families that we both love so much. It is a testament to the person I am talking to when I feel comfortable enough to listen and share, and that she felt comfortable enough to do the same. Definitely a favorite moment so far.

The night ended with another meter pizza experience (hey, this was a different group of girls, and I had to show them what they missed the other night!) Hilarity ensued (multiple glasses of wine involved). We didn’t leave the restaurant until after eleven. A few of the girls came back to my apartment before we all went to bed. 

I normally won’t recount a whole day’s worth of events like this, but I thought it was necessary at this moment. I am starting to get a hint of just how much growing I will do this semester. Yesterday’s happenings were a beautiful blend of new experiences, reminders of home, and special connections.

Tomorrow I will definitely post about my “nooks and crannies” tour! I know several of you are curious…

I have to end by mentioning one of my best friends in the world. Ashley made me cry yesterday with her own reflections of her year in Vienna five years ago. She said at the beginning of her post that my blog and musings about life here in Italy inspired her to take a look back at her own journey. I must say that her stories played a major role in inspiring my trip abroad in the first place. I have never heard anyone talk so fondly about an experience, and she has been one of my biggest supporters. A huge thank you to her, and to all of you special people in my life who have given me the love, comfort, and confidence I need to be spontaneous.

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